USB Disabled ? Enable it...

Go to Start --> run --> type 'regedit'
Follow thru this path.


Locate the word 'start' in the right side pane. Double click it and give it a value '4'
And enjoy using USB anywhere, and lemme tell u this, there is no catch to this.

The only pre-requisites to this is that u must have the permission to edit Registry.

Happy Transfering.

Talking about myself. My Interests are -

Outdoor - Playing Badminton
Indoor - Internet Surfing
Listening to Music (Mad after it).
Technical - Digging into Linux Programming & Administration

As per my interests I'll be posting the links and urls here for the ones sharing same Cup of Coffee with me.

Regading the music, I have a huge collection of mp3 with me. And thus if you request for one to me. Probability is 70% that I can provide you with that. :)

So, here I start with some of the urls that I found interesting.

  • Check before download . you must be using rapidshare to download books, mp3s etc. and many a times this happens that when you surf to the link you find that the file is not available.
    • Try this url to check whether the link is active or not.
Try this and Comment.



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