The Start....

This being the first post of mine, would like to introduce myself in this.

Born in a remote township located at a place called Malanjkhand, got my basic education there only. With the completion of +2, stepped over the next step and finsihed my graduation, and by the end of this got one thing clear that I am made for something special. I was ready to face the next phase of life, and joined the PG college and finished my Masters Degree in Computers there. Even though in the beginning it seemed to be a waste effort, but when I was to touch the finish line, I found that it has brought up a great change in me personally, professionally and socially. Though during this whole period of academics, it was change of places, change of friends and change of everything else, one single thing that remained everywhere was the will to exceed.
Talking of Malanjkhand... a place you might have rarely heard of, is actually a heaven in the middle of hills. Away from the hasty life of cities, its really a place you have ever dreamt of. A typical countryside environment where-in some roads are left unwalked for weeks, unless some children find out some time to play there, and as with every other thing I have plans to implement at this place also.

My whole education wasn't mere a degree or a qualification its something above that. I had always been a "good student :)". But not those book worm kind. It was my fortune that I always got a good circle around me, where-in the guys and girls were interested more in healthy discussions rather that gossips. From schooling to Masters I got my identity built up, 'technology freek', 'Linux Fan','Mad for Music' these are the phrases that went well with me. In these 6 years I grew in all aspects of life, there had been many up and downs, but as with a humans, dreams continued, not the ones that you see sleeping, I saw them open eyed... with all my senses in place. When I analyze them all I see a single common thing a deep desire to excel.

"To excel" does not take the usual meaning with me , to me its a combination of a few things : success in the everything I do, to do the things that others are feared of steeping into, and to be a good human being & above all to be a good son, brother & friend.

And thus when someone asks me "Whats up", I always think what should I say, 'I am dreaming'. No, I am chasing... my Dreams.

Thats Me.


  1. vijay said...
    This artical's the best part of the enterprise. essentially blogging is all about expressing yourself with no bounds and this artical examplifies the point.

    plz rectify you spelling finished my education to finished.. (:-)
    Neha Jha said...
    hi, good for the first one! hope to see more of your posts!!


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