
This is yet another Linux distribution, but in my view stands high above the other distros. The current version of the same being 7.04 available for both i386 and 64-bit architecture. I tried this for hte first time when was having PC but the experience was not that good, as its a live installation disk that loads the basic OS on ur machine and then u can start the installation from there. It requires min. 256 MB of RAM and my box was having mere 128 of it.

The Second Try. This was a satisfying experience, everything go installed but the performance was poor, it was then when I suddenly realized that I have installed the 32-bit version.

The Third try - I downloaded the 64-bit version of 7.04. Installed it and this is amazing.

You can order the free CDs for the distro. Follow the url.


Order your copy... and give it a try for sure. atleast to the live version of it that runs through the CD. Just insert the disk and boot from it.

For any help on this. you can mail me at binaykumarg@gmail.com


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